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Overton Bark re-opens

Dog at Overton BarkGood news for anyone whose pups have some pent-up energy: Overton Bark has officially re-opened, along with other dog parks in the city! We ask that you wear a face covering in the dog park, keep a safe distance between yourself and other visitors, and avoid the use of shared toys and water dishes. Please bring water for your dogs, as park water fountains are shut off due to the risk of spreading COVID-19. We’ve provided hand-washing stations near the Rainbow Lake and East Parkway pavilions.

While Overton Bark has been free of furry feet for a while now, it’s still been exposed to the elements. Tomorrow morning, our landscaping crew will be weeding and cleaning up sweetgum balls, and next Wednesday the 26th, we’ll begin installing a fresh blanket of wood fiber surfacing, which keeps the ground comfy for the dogs and makes the area wheelchair-accessible. On both days, we will leave one side of the dog park open as the other side undergoes maintenance.

On that note, we ask for your support in defraying these maintenance costs. The wood fiber costs $3,000 to purchase and $2,500 to install. In non-COVID years, the installation is handled by wonderful volunteer teams, but we don’t want to put them at risk this year. If your pup is thrilled to be back, please consider a contribution at

(We have a new option for your gift, too: in addition to credit cards and Paypal, we now accept eCheck payments! This allows you to set up a draft directly from your bank account if you like. It works for both one-time and monthly donations.)