Share Your Overton Park Story
As part of our yearlong celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court case that spared Overton Park from I-40, we’re asking you to share why Overton Park is special to you. Whether you met someone at the park, witnessed history, or had an amazing encounter with nature, we want to hear about it! Tag @overtonpark on social media with the hashtag #overtonparkstories, or complete the form below. You’ll find an archive of previous stories below the form.
Here are some places to start:
- When did you first begin visiting Overton Park?
- What’s your most vivid memory of the park?
- What does the park mean to you?
- Do you associate the park with any special people or times in your life?
- What’s your favorite area of the park? Has that changed over the years?

Sam Blair on three decades of park volunteerism
“In the early 2000s, you could not go 100 feet on the Old Forest trails before having to crawl through a blockage. It was that overgrown with brush.” Sam Blair

Stories: Romney Grandi
Romney Grandi shared these photos of her family enjoying the snow in Overton Park. These were taken in 1958 near hole #5 of the golf course. Romney (wearing the light-colored

Stories: Joanne Rhodes
We recently shared Shirley Tyus’ recollections of Overton Park. One of Shirley’s closest friends since age nine was Lina Farley Rhodes, with whom she grew up performing at Rainbow Lake

Stories: Shirley Tyus
Shirley Virginia Larry Tyus was born on January 2, 1917 and has a lifetime of memories of Overton Park. We are so thrilled that she shared some of them with