Kids, Dogs, and Birds!
While there may be a Hollywood axiom about never working with kids or dogs (or birds, for that matter), at Overton Park we love all three. That’s why we’d love for you to join us at one or more events happening this weekend in the park.

For the Kids
This Saturday, December 13, Snowden PTO and Revolutions Community Bicycle Shop are teaming up for a Critical Mass bike ride in the park–but for kids! The Kidical Mass ride will begin at the Overton Park Storywalk at 10:30 and then ride through the park. There will be different routes to accommodate two-wheelers, bike trailers, infant seats, or whatever wheeled object your kid enjoys the most. Afterwards, enjoy a hot beverage and make the Storywalk loop to read the new story that will be installed just in time for the event. Find more info here.
Storywalk is located adjacent to the East Parkway playground, so you’ll find parking in the lot next to the pavilion on East Parkway.
For the Dogs
Hollywood Feed invites you to warm up with hot chocolate and lots of running around Overton Bark on Saturday. From 10:00 – 2:00, they’ll be at the dog park with coupons and giveaways, free samples for the dogs, and opportunities to have your pet’s photo taken with Santa Moose (bring your smartphone or camera!). The Dog & Slaw will also be selling hot dogs at the event.

For the Birds (or Birders)
For over a century, the National Audubon Society has been conducting Christmas Bird Counts all over the country to monitor bird population trends over time. It’s the longest-running citizen science survey in the world, and it helps scientists identify environmental threats and habitat changes that affect things far beyond just birds.
The Memphis Christmas Bird Count will be held this Sunday, December 14, and you can join in! The Tennessee Ornithological Society will be counting in the Overton Park Old Forest beginning at 7:30a.m. until about 10:30 or 11:00. Even if you’re not an experienced birder, this is a great opportunity to learn about the birds that spend winter as Memphis residents, and to contribute to a very important scientific project.
We’ll be meeting at the Abe Goodman Golf Clubhouse on Veterans Plaza Drive at 7:30 on Sunday. Please RSVP to Margaret Jefferson of TOS at [email protected] if you plan to attend (and for information about other locations in the city where counts will be held on Sunday).