Building a Bike Gateway, Part 6
Missed our earlier installments? Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
It’s happening! Work started today on the site of the new bicycle and pedestrian plaza at Overton Park, and you’ll continue to see movement at the intersection of Sam Cooper Blvd. and East Parkway for the next couple of months.
The first step is picking up the big sign (with the Zoo, Memphis College of Art, and Brooks Museum panels) and moving it over several yards to make way for the new Bike Gate sculpture. With nearly 300 bikes attached to the frame, the arch will be an unmistakable welcome for visitors to Overton Park. Sculptor Tylur French is adding finishing touches, such as bike parts painted silver to catch the light, to the project now. Bike Gate will be one of the first parts of the plaza to be installed, and the foundation for that portion of the project will be laid before the end of November. Watch this space for updates on the exact timeline!
Meanwhile, the remainder of the plaza is taking shape. The surface will be composed of pervious concrete, a sustainable material that allows water to seep through rather than running off. Variations in the color of the concrete will create the look of bike wheels and spokes. A water fountain and five park benches will be installed to provide runners and cyclists a place to recharge.
And here’s more good news–our initial run of 50 engraved pavers sold out so quickly that we’ve decided to add more to the design! Our team at ANF Architects was able to incorporate 79 more pavers into the wheels and spokes, for a total of 129. (In this illustration of an aerial view of the plaza, the small, dark purple squares represent the pavers.) So if you’d like to be a part of the plaza, you can still do so! But hurry–we’ll be placing the order for the pavers very soon, so if you want to make sure your message is part of the plaza when it opens, now is the time to get your order in. You can do so by filling out the form below, or giving us a call at 901.214.5450.
Now that the project is officially underway, we’ll be bringing you frequent updates about the progress. We can’t wait to share this new space with the cyclists and runners of Memphis!
Thanks to ANF Architects for these drawings!
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