Private Group Programs
Join Overton Park Conservancy Program Staff for a guided nature experience in the heart of Midtown.
Private group programs are offered for adults and students.
Current Activity Options for Adults
- Birding: learn the basics of birding, including how to use binoculars, recognizing sounds, and identifying shapes and colors of our local birds in Overton Park.
- Guided general hike: tour the of Old Forest with a staff member, learning about the Park’s history and native wildlife.
- Nature Journaling: take an opportunity to slow down, pay attention, and be curious about the world surrounding you.
Current Activity Options for Students (5+ years old)
- Bird Blitz: learn the basics of birding, including how to use binoculars, recognizing sounds, and identifying shapes and colors of our local birds in Overton Park.
- Tree ID: learn the basics of identifying 3 key native tree species in the Old Growth Forest.
- SEEK OUT Scavenger hunt: get ready to explore the park and all of its colors and textures.
- Nature Journaling: take an opportunity to slow down, pay attention, and be curious about the world surrounding you.
Capacity for each activity is 10 participants with a minimum of 5.
You may book a group of up to 20 people, and the group will be divided into two smaller sections. One section will receive a 45-minute program while the other half enjoys the playground or recreational areas, and then the groups will switch places.
There must be at least one adult chaperone per ten children.
Please review our cancellation policy here. Upon reservation, the Programs Manager will contact you to coordinate your program activity details.
Come be curious with us!
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