Have you spoken up yet?

Overton Park fans…we’re in a competition, and we’re losing big-time. We’re going to need a few minutes of your time to help make it right!
In 2011, a group of dedicated community volunteers administered the original Speak Up for Our Park survey, which asked people how they felt about Overton Park and what they’d like to see in its future. More than 1,600 people responded, and the support for non-profit management of the park was so strong that Overton Park Conservancy was established later that year.
A few months ago, we re-launched the survey to see if people’s perceptions and priorities had changed over the last two years. We’ve gotten some truly wonderful responses, but here’s the problem: there are only 250 of them. That’s not even close to our original number, so we’re asking–nay, pleading!–with you: please take the survey, and please share with your friends any way you feel is appropriate.
Here’s the link you’ll want to share: https://overtonpark.org/speak
We also have paper copies available for distribution, so if you have a storefront or a highly-trafficked area where you could spare a little space, please let us know and we’ll deliver them to your doorstep.
Our original deadline for concluding the survey was November 30, but we’re extending that deadline because it’s very important that we hear from you. We’ll have some big decisions to make over the next few years–regarding park entrances, parking in the park, and several potential projects–and your voice is critical to help guide our direction. Engage! It only takes a couple of minutes of your time, and it’s extremely important to us.
Here are a few quotes we pulled from some of this year’s responses:
“I grew up in Evergreen so the Park has always been in my life. Used to walk to zoo, gallery and paths. The old playground was a regular stop. So glad to see it looking beautiful like it did in the past – the Conservancy is taking care to make it a desirable place to visit. Seeing many more people utilizing the whole park.”
“We love the shows and love Rainbow Park. Also just love how progressive and fun the park has gotten: inviting to the community. I love to go because I run into old friends and usually wind up talking to new people as well.”
“I love the diverse patronage and openness to activities. I can bring my guitar and practice in a beautiful surrounding. The trails are fun for photography and jogging. Whether I want to throw a Frisbee, improve myself through an active lifestyle, or just socialize with my friends and others, I feel like Overton Park is a haven for fun times and an escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.”
What needs to be improved?
“Traffic, parking and litter. It is CRUCIAL that there be a sidewalk/path added from the plaza to the playground and dog park area.”
“Access to the park from Cooper and Evergreen is dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists.”
“Rainbow Lake is pretty darn gross and the playground on East Parkway needs a renovation badly.”
“What to do with all those cars?!”
What does the ideal Overton Park look like?
“A place to go listen to the silence (and the birds); to sit and stroll and contemplate, to recharge the soul. But where others could play and congregate, pursuing their own idea of happiness, so long as there is respect among all.”
“More art! I think art installations would really take it to the next level.”
“Make it more kid friendly! Add a water park. Have a restaurant or coffee shop in the golf house.”
“Being used by many more individuals/families and being kept beautiful with the help of donors and volunteers. It belongs to everyone and would like to see it kept this way.”
Vote with your keyboard and take the survey below. Thank you so much for your help!
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